Bankamericard Travel Rewards Credit Card For Students. This student credit card is essentially the same as bank of america s travel rewards card which means it offers higher risks and rewards than most other student cards. The bankamericard credit card for students is a card designed for students or people with limited credit.
With 0 annual fee a solid initial welcome offer and a simple 1 5. Gas online shopping dining travel drug stores or home improvement furnishings and 2 cash back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs on the first 2 500 in these combined purchases each quarter. Get the bankamericard travel rewards credit card for students card today.
Earn 1 5 points for every 1 you spend on purchases and travel anywhere any time with no blackout dates.
With a bank of america cash rewards credit card for students you earn 3 cash back in the category of your choice. There are no special categories to maximize. With 1 5 points per dollar on every purchase the bank of america travel rewards credit card for students has straightforward rewards earnings. The bankamericard travel rewards for student is meant for students who would like to earn points which can be redeemed for travel.