How To Travel For Free In Europe. There are some credit cards that will give you points for using their card that you can redeem for travel and dining. Some credit card offers require you to meet a minimum spending amount while with others such as the 40 000 mile us airways credit card offer it s as simple as buying a cup of coffee.
If you do eat out avoid the restaurants in the main squares and tourist areas as they tend to jack up their prices. Drinks get a water bottle and fill it up with the local water supply when possible. Some credit card offers require you to meet a minimum spending amount while with others such as the 40 000 mile us airways credit card offer it s as simple as buying a cup of coffee.
Travelers embarking on extensive travel within europe may save money by purchasing a rail pass from rail europe that permits unlimited train travel within a specified region.
How to easily travel europe for free and get what you need 1 two travellers is half the price. Drinks get a water bottle and fill it up with the local water supply when possible. There are plenty of affordable ways to travel including cheap flights and budget friendly places to stay. Algiers loved it so much she has done diverbo two more times and is currently traveling in.