Mietshäuser Syndikat. Because of this structure the projects are in effect taken off the speculative market. With its know how in the area of project financing it helps groups of residents interested in living together in a self organized and managed environment.
The mietshäuser syndikat provides advice and support to self organized house projects so that they can be taken off the real estate market. 1993 name changed to mietshäuser syndikat an alternative suggestion was mietshäuser kombinat 1994 principles of the solidarity fund are set down in written form interest acquired in the grether ost grundstücks gmbh freiburg. By depositing 250 euros you enable the syndikat to finance new projects.
Through your deposit you become a member of the mietshäuser syndikat association and receive regular information about the syndikat s work as well as invitations to the syndikat s general meetings the highest decision making body.
Because of this structure the projects are in effect taken off the speculative market. The mietshäuser syndikat was launched to support self organized social housing projects while helping emerging initiatives and reducing re commercialization. It was formed in 1989 by former squatters in the german city of freiburg. The mietshäuser syndikat provides advice and support to self organized house projects so that they can be taken off the real estate market.