Pink Eye Home Treatment For Cats. Let it cool down for some time and use this remedy as eyewash after straining the liquid to cure conjunctivitis naturally. For general conjunctivitis no specific cause treatment usually consists of topical antibiotics and anti inflammatory medications e g hydrocortisone that go in the affected eye.
It will provide greater results in curing the. Nutri vet cat eye rinse liquid for example is a solution of boric acid filtered water sodium borate and sodium chloride. The conjunctivitis itself will be treated with special eye drops but the underlying reason for the conjunctivitis may have additional treatments.
Do this as needed.
To ease the treatment process wipe off all discharges coming from the cat s eyes with a soft damp cloth. Take some teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and gently apply it on the neck region of cats. Nutri vet cat eye rinse liquid for example is a solution of boric acid filtered water sodium borate and sodium chloride. The conjunctivitis itself will be treated with special eye drops but the underlying reason for the conjunctivitis may have additional treatments.