Pink Eye Home Treatment For Dogs. You can also use this treatment to clean and keep your dog s eyes moist while waiting to take him to the vet. Home remedies can be a great adjunct therapy and sometimes even all your dog needs but pink eye often requires medicated eye drops or ointments to kill off bacteria and suppress inflammation.
Steep a chamomile teabag in hot water. The eye is aligned with the liver heart and kidneys in traditional chinese veterinary medicine. This is caused by a virus spreads easily and can take.
This is caused by a virus spreads easily and can take.
Natural remedies for dog pink eye 1. It s affordable on any budget and can be found in any grocery store. Conjunctivitis in dogs is often a secondary response to a non infectious or infectious invader as opposed to something that is contracted from another dog. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of boiled or mineral water.