What Is A Home Equity Line Of Credit Loan. Unlike a conventional loan a home equity line of credit is something you establish ahead of time and use when and if you need it. But it comes with costs.
It s a line of credit that allows you to borrow against. Unlike a conventional loan a home equity line of credit is something you establish ahead of time and use when and if you need it. But it comes with costs.
A home equity line of credit also known as a heloc is a line of credit secured by your home that gives you a revolving credit line to use for large expenses or to consolidate higher interest rate debt on other loans footnote 1 such as credit cards.
A heloc often has a lower interest rate than some other common types of loans and the interest may be tax deductible. It s a line of credit that allows you to borrow against. Using a home equity loan or line of credit allows you to turn that value into cash and repay it over time. A heloc often has a lower interest rate than some other common types of loans and the interest may be tax deductible.